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Left 4 Dead 2 DLC in MARTIE

Left 4 Dead 2 DLC in MARTIE

Valve Software nu a putut sa lipseasca de la evenimentul celor de la Microsoft X10 din Statele Unite,intr-u cat au avut de prezentat viitorul DLC pentru jocul Left 4 Dead 2 intitulat:The Passing.

In "The Passing," players will meet up with the original Left 4 Dead's survivors, Francis, Bill, Zoey and Louis, who will appear as non-playable characters. Valve's Chet Faliszek told Kotaku that Left 4 Dead 2's survivors will rendezvous with the original quartet later on in the campaign, and that they will aid Coach, Nick, Ellis and Rochelle in finishing the third map in the campaign.

DLC-ul amintit mai sus va adauga jocului Left 4 Dead 2,un nou tip de caracter intitulat "Fallen Survivor",acesta este un infectat,care crede ca nu este purtator al virusului.Cand ii veti omora,acestia vor elibera munitie si pachete de supravietuire.

Noua campanie va fi disponibila pentru achizitionat in Martie,atat pe PC cat si pe Xbox 360,acesta fiind urmata si de o revista cu benzi desenate,plus un add-on pentru jocul original.


Then, about a "month or so" after that, Valve plans to release an add-on for the first Left 4 Dead, an episode that will tell the story of the original survivors' journey to "The Passing." That unnamed Left 4 Dead add-on will only be playable on the original game, not in the sequel.

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