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Epic Games nu regreta exclusivitatea

Creatorul jocurilor Gears of War si Gears of War p2,Epic Games,a scos un comunicat de presa prin care ne da de veste ca nu regreta faptul ca jocurile lor au fost lansate numai pe Xbox 360.

Aceasta stire vine in urma unei afirmatii a analistului Michael Pachter,in timpul emisiunii Bonus Round,de pe site-ul Gametrailers.Pachter a spui ca probabil Epig Games regreta mult faptul ca nu au fost in stare sa isi lanseze jocurile si pe consola celor de la Sony,din cauza contractului de exclusivitate incheiat cu cei de la Microsoft Studios.

"I think that Microsoft has a contract to make sure that they get [Gears of War 3], but I think Epic regrets signing the contract," Pachter said.

"You're up to 11 million PS3s in the US and probably a similar number in Europe. You've got a 20 million addressable market with a game like Gears of War...that thing would easily sell three or four million on the PS3. That's a lot of profit."

Mark Rein,de la Epig Games,s-a grabit sa infirme spusele lui Patcher si a mai adaugat ca buna relatie cu Microsoft le-a adus o multime de beneficii:

"We have a great relationship with Microsoft and we have no regrets."

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