48% din jocurile PC sunt vandute digital
TAGURI :Vanzari jocuri , Jocuri PC , Magazine digitale jocuri STEAM magazin , magazin digital STEAMSi noi credeam ca oamenilor le place sa se laude cu dvd - ul original prietenilor .
Un studiu recent al celor de la NPD , a demonstrat ca in Statele Unite 48 % din totalul jocurilor pentru Computer au fost vandute digital prin diferite site -uri de distributie preacum Steam .
The majority of these sales were made via Valve's Steam store (which tops the list of 'Frontline digital retailers' who deal with full retail game releases) and Bigfishgames.com (leading the list of smaller casual game retailers).
NPD also notes that the casual game retailers have been losing market share to the full PC game retailers, which it puts down in part to the rise of "social network gaming" and the 30% increase in the usage of iPhone and iPod as gaming devices in 2009.
Totusi , eu prefer sa imi admir colectia de dvd-uri , am o satisfactie mai mare parca ...
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