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Prison break the conspiracy torrent

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The settlers 7 paths to a kingdom torrent


The settlers 7 paths to a kingdom torrent

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Mount & Blade: Warband torrent


Mount & Blade: Warband torrent

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Assassin's creed 2 download torrent

BINE AI VENIT PE Games Database!!!
Mai multe informatii despre ceea ce cauti vei gasti AICI   Assassin's creed 2 download torrent!!!

Assassin's creed 2 system requirements


Warhammer 40.000 Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising


Warhammer 40.000 Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising

THQ's European web store is selling Dawn Of War II for just £5, giving you a great way to get in on the excellent RTS action ahead of Chaos Rising's launch next month.
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Order of War: Challenge

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Battlefield bad company 2 demo


Battlefield bad company 2 demo

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Battlefield bad company 2 beta key


Battlefield bad company 2 beta key

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Battlefield bad company 2 beta


Battlefield bad company 2 beta

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Mai multe informatii despre ceea ce cauti vei gasi aici Battlefield bad company 2 beta

Battlefield bad company 2 torrent


Battlefield bad company 2 torrent

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Metro 2033 system requirements


Metro 2033 system requirements

Va amintiti ca v-am spus mai demult ca 4A-Games a precizat ca jocul Metro 2033 va arata mai bine pe PC decat pe console.I-a aruncati o privire pe cerintele de sistem de mai jos si o sa vedeti de ce...

Metro 2033 system requirements
Metro 2033 cerinte de sistem
Metro 2033 cerinte minime si recomandate

• Dual core CPU (any Core 2 Duo or better will do)
• DirectX 9, Shader Model 3 compliant graphics cards (GeForce 8800, GeForce GT220 and above)

• Any Quad Core or 3.0+ GHz Dual Core CPU
• DirectX 10 compliant graphics card (GeForce GTX 260 and above)

• Core i7 CPU
• NVIDIA DirectX 11 compliant graphics card (GeForce GTX 480 and 470)
• As much RAM as possible (8GB+)
• Fast HDD or SSD

Enabling 3D Vision
• Metro 2033 utilizes NVIDIA 3D Vision with compatible cards and hardware. To play in 3D you will require:
• NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275 and above recommended
• A 120Hz (or above) monitor
• NVIDIA 3D Vision kit
• Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7

Firewalker pack


Firewalker pack

Bioware si-a updatat pagina Cerberus,cu stirea ca pe la sfarsitul lunii Martie vor scoate un DLC gratis pentru jocul Mass Effect 2.

Purtand numele Firewalker pack,DLC-ul va contine cinci noi misiuni pe care va trebui sa le faceti cu ajutorul vehiculului numit Hammerhead.


Download the Firewalker pack and gain access to 5 new missions featuring the Hammerhead. The Hammerhead is a heavy assault vehicle that hovers over the battlefield at up to 120 kilometers per hour and features a guided missile system ensuring accuracy even during aggressive maneuvering. Coming late March, free to all Cerberus Network members!

R.U.S.E. dezvaluie pe Joe Sheridan


R.U.S.E. dezvaluie pe Joe Sheridan

Ubisoft Entertainment a scos un nou trailer gen "making of" pentru jocul de strategie R.U.S.E. al celor de la Eugen Systems.

Actorul Mike Powers,vorbeste despre personajul pe care el il anima si anume Maiorul Joe Sheridan su actiunile sale din timpul razboiului.

Jocul va fi lansat pe PC,Xbox 360 si PlayStation 3,dar din pacate,data de lansare nu este cunoscuta.

Alpha Protocol are data de lansare


Alpha Protocol are data de lansare

Sega si Obsidian Entertainment au spus celor de la ING,ca jocul Alpha Protocol va fi lansat in data de 28 Mai 2010 in Europa si in 1 Iunie in SUA,atat pe PC cat si pe Play Station 3 si Xbox 360.

Initial,RPG-ul Alpha Protocol a fost anuntat ca se va lansa in 2009,dar din diferite motive a fost amanat de mai multe ori.Se pare ca cei de la Obsidian vor calitate,producatorul castigand deja respectul si intrand in istorie cu jocuri precum Knights of the Old Republic si Never Winter Nights.

C&C4: Tiberian Twilight fara LAN


C and C4: Tiberian Twilight fara LAN
C and C4: Tiberian Twilight fara LAN
Se pare ca in zilele noastre,daca nu ai o conexiune la internet nu mai poti sa iti permiti "luxul" de a te juca pe calculator sau pe console.

Intr-un interviu pentru site-ul Destructoid,Samuel Bass de la Electronic Arts,a spus ca jocul Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight nu va beneficia de LAN sau servere dedicate,dat fiind faptul ca va trebui sa fii tot timpul online pentru a te juca jocul.


"across single-player, multiplayer and skirmish and all the information is stored in a server. So if you go to another machine -- friend’s house, Internet café -- whatever, you can login with your profile and all the stuff you’ve unlocked is accessible to you there. It all lives on a server so you can’t really do dedicated servers with that."

Intr-un cuvant: fara internet=fara jocuri, si asta este doar inceptul

Napoleon Total War- system requirements1


Napoleon Total War- system requirements1

release date: World: 23 February 2010
USA: 23 February 2010
Europe: 26 February 2010
play modes: single / multiplayer
multiplayer: LAN / Internet
game language: English
age requirements: 16+ | media: 1 DVD
suggested system requirements:
Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, 2 GB RAM, graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 8800 or better), 15 GB HDD, Windows XP SP2/Vista.

God of War III este GOLD


God of War III este GOLD

Christer Ericso si-a updatat profilul de twitter,cu o veste pe care multi oameni o asteptau de mult

God of War 3 has gone gold and is being manufactured! Wheee!

Jocul este programat sa se lanseze in 16 Martie.Poti sa te bucuri deja,pentru ca jocul va fi un candidat sigur pentru jocul anului.

Metro 2033 arata mai bine pe PC


Metro 2033 arata mai bine pe PC

Eurogamer a luat un interviu sefului de la 4A-Games,Oles Shishkovtsov,din care reiese ca Metro 2033 arata mai bine pe PC.

Graphics-wise, the PC version of the 4A engine is far removed from the console versions. All too often we've seen PC games that are identical to the 360 equivalents, simply offering you the ability to run at higher resolutions with higher frame-rates.

Metro 2033 features superior volumetric fog, double the precision in the PhysX, 2048x2048 textures (up against 1024x1024 on console), better shadow-map definition and filtering, object blur in DX10, sub-surface scattering for superior skin shaders, parallax mapping on all surfaces and better geometric detail with less aggressive LODs.

Desi din cauza tehnologiei,jocurile pe PC arata mult mai bine ca cele de pe console,mi se pare aberant sa spui ca jocul va arata mai bine pe PC,intr-u cat este si normal sa fie asa.

Desi in cazul in care jocul este portat de pe consola pe PC,grafica versiunii PC va arata cum se poate mai rau,acelea sunt singurele sanse ca o versiune PC sa arata mai rau decat versiunea pentru consola.

There's also going to be support for tessellation in DirectX 11. In basic terms, tessellation interpolates new polygons, so the closer you get to a tessellated object, the more polygons are generated.

Digger vine pe PSN


Digger vine pe PSN

Iti amintesti clasicul joc arcade pe care il jucai pe PC prin anii 80?Digger??? Da!!!Deci Creat Studios lucreaza sa aduca o varianta HD updatata a acestui joc pe PSN(Play Station Network).

Digger HD, a remake of the classic PC game, Digger™, from the early 80s, has received a major facelift for the new millennium, while staying true to its classic gameplay. Players control a little construction vehicle that must make its way through an underground maze. Gamers dig through the dirt horizontally and vertically to create their own path while collecting power-ups, jewels, coins and other bonuses while avoiding the pursuing monsters

Digger HD este in forma si va avea un mic demo pe PSN incepand de maine in Europa si din 25 Februarie in SUA.

Jocul nu are data de lansare stabilita inca,dar avem cateva screenshot-uri la dispozitie astfel incat sa va starneasca curiozitate.

Star Wolves 3: Civil War


Star Wolves 3: Civil War

Star Wolves 3: Civil War este un RPG produs de catre Elite Games Team pe platforma PC.Data de lansare se invarte in jurul lunii Martie al acestui an(2010).

Star Wolves 3: Civil War este un sequel al unui joc de strategie real time,la care se adauga multe elemente de RPG.

Metro 2033


Metro 2033

Metro 2033 este un shooter,produs de 4A Games si distribuit de THQ incepand cu data de 19 Martie 2010 atat pe PC cat si pe Xbox 360.


Intreaga lume se afla in ruine. Omenirea este aproape anihilat.Din cauza nivelurilor mari de radiatii,oarasele au devenit de nelocuit.In afara oraseler,duca cum spun zvonurile,exista numai deserturi aride si paduri radioactive pline de animale mutante.Supravietuirea de vine scopul final al oamenilor.Civilizatia ramane doar o amintire placuta,care usor,usor se pierde in negura anarhiei si a extinctiei.

Suprematia oamenilor s-a terminat,desi acestia nu vor sa creada lucrul acesta.Mai exista doar cateva zeci de mii din ei,iar singura lor activitate este supravietuirea.Ei locuiesc in metro-ul din Moscova,cel mai mare scut anti nuclear construit vreodata de om.

Aproate toti oamenii care se gasesc in metrou,au avut norocul sa stea acolo in timpul atacului nuclear;acest lucru i-a ajutat sa ramana in viata.Usile ermetic inchise ii protejeaza de radiatiile ucigase si de animalele mutante de afara.
Oamenii bogati isi cresc animale,precum porcii,dar cei saraci ajung sa manance chiar si sobolani.

Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight trailer


Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight trailer

Electronic Arts a lansat un nou trailer pentru jocul Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight,in care dezvoltatorii vor prezenta diferentele dintre acest joc si predecesoarele sale.De asemeanea trailerul va va arata cum sa va jucati in campania single player.

Vizionati trailerul mai jos:

Jocul va fi lansat in 16 Martie.

Splinter Cell Conviction tutorial


Splinter Cell Conviction tutorial

Ubisoft Entertainment a lansat un trailer in care prezinta tutorialul jocului action stealth: Splinter Cell Conviction.

Trailerul are putin mai mult de trei minute.Jocul original va putea fi cumparat incepand cu luna Aprilie al anului curent(2010).

Vizionati trailerul mai jos:

Sniper Elite vine pe Wii


Sniper Elite vine pe Wii

Reef Entertainment a trimis vorba prin lume cum ca ei vor lansa sniper simulatorul celor de la Rebellion,pe consola celor de la Wii.

Peter Rezon, CEO la Reef Entertainment,a spus:
‘Sniper EliteTM represents our most ambitious project yet. We have taken a game which has been called ‘the Gran Turismo of War Games’ and we will fully immerse gamers into Berlin 1945. Rifle add-ons such as the Wii Zapper have been a primary focus to make the game as realistic and exciting as possible. We believe this will be one of the most fun shooter titles launched in 2010”.

Jocul original a fost lansat in 2005,adica anum 5 ani,pe PC,PS2 si Xbox.Lansarea unui joc de 5 ani pe o consola Wii nou nouta mi se pare putin cam deplasat.Oricum daca jucatorilor le va placea si daca lucrul asta va aduce banii,atunci inseamna ca a meritat.Totusi,ramane de vazut.




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Jocuri cu scooby

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The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom


The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom este un joc de strategie produs de Ubisoft Blue Byte si distribuit de Ubisoft pe PC incepand cu anul 2010.

Dezvoltarea regatului in jocul The Settlers 7 se va face folosindu-se de 3 strategi:militara,economica si stiintifica,care te vor premia cu puncte de victorie in functie de alegerile pe care le vei face pe parcursul jocului.

Grafica este mult imbunatatita fata de predecesorul sau prin utilizarea unui nou engine,care va spori si imbunatati AI-ul jocului.

Ca si componenta online,a fost introdus in joc modul co-op.

Vizualizati trailerul jocului mai jos:

Scrap Metal trailer nou


Scrap Metal trailer nou

Unul dintre ptincipalele titluri XBLA aratate la X10,a fost si jocul de curse al celor de la Slick Entertainment,intitulat Scrap Metal,un joc in care poti sa te intreci cu alte masini folosind diferinte modele de arme pentru neutralizarea inamicului.

Aveti o descriere mai jos.

Drift around corners with guns blazing and take out legendary competitors in the fast-paced, top-down racer, Scrap Metal™! Fight your way through explosive, action-packed missions and defeat cunning bosses to add their vehicles to your garage. Customize newly-acquired cars and return to the track to blast through more enemies. Then, jump online with Xbox LIVE® to race against friends and crush their cars with the wheels of a massive monster truck in pulse-pounding online multiplayer matches.

Vedeti trailerul mai jos:

Supreme Commander 2


Supreme Commander 2

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XIII Century: Blood of Europe

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anno 1404 venice release date

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Order of War: Challenge


Order of War: Challenge

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M-am pierdut!!!
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napoleon total war system requirements


napoleon total war system requirements

Napoleon: Total War
System Requirements*
Intel Processor - Core 2 Duo E6700 2.66GHz
AMD Processor - Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5600+
Nvidia Graphics Card - Geforce 8800 GT 256MB
ATI Graphics Card - Radeon X1800 Series 256MB
RAM Memory - 4 GB
Hard Disk Space - 15 GB
Direct X - 9

Two Worlds II screenshots


Two Worlds II screenshots
Despite the massive landscape which spans over 60 square kilometres of rolling grasslands, murky swamps, and sprawling cities, images of the upcoming RPG epic Two Worlds II have only to date only scratched the surface of beautiful world of Antaloor…literally. Deep underground there lie cavernous mines rich with precious Veritas crystals, the ancient twisting catacombs of long forgotten cultures, and shadowy dungeons adorned with remnants of countless tortured prisoners.

Fable 3-primul dev diary


Fable 3-primul dev diary

S-a discutat grozav de mult despre jocul celor de la Lionhead Studio,intitulat ,FABLE 3,in ultimele 3 zile,dar acum este timpul sa lasam "Jurnalul de Dezvoltare"(dev diary) sa vorbeasca despre joc.

Primul episod din seria Development Diary pentru jocul Fable 3 a fost lansat,puteti sa il vizionati mai jos:

God of War III are un trailer mortal


God of War III are un trailer mortal
Am vorbit despre God of War III de samtamani bune,in continuu,pana cand in sfarsit s-a intamplat...Sony Entertainment a lansat un nou trailer la jocul amintit mai sus,in care ne este aratat personajul principal,Kratos, in toata splendoarea sa de luptator.

Salivati deja???Cred ca trebuie sa ca luati un servetel.Totusi,am vesti proaste,intr-u cat trebuie sa asteptati pana in 24 Martie.Daca vreti sa aveti prioritate si sa fiti printre primii jucatori ai acestui joc,puteti sa va comandati God Of War III Ultimate Edition pentru nu mai putin de 100 $.Pachetul contine un art book,diferite materiale video si bineintreles,mult asteptatul joc.

Alan Wake oficial doar pe Xbox360


Alan Wake oficial doar pe Xbox360

Desi jocul a fost la inceput anuntat atat pentru PC cat si pentru consola Xbox360,Microsoft a confirmat astazi faptul ca jocul Alan Wake va aparea doar pe Xbox360.

Aveti mai jos informatiile date de catre purtatorul de cuvant Microsoft:

"Some games are more suited for the intimacy of the PC, and others are best played from the couch in front of a larger TV screen. We ultimately realised that the most compelling way to experience "Alan Wake" was on the Xbox 360 platform, so we focused on making it an Xbox 360 exclusive. Both Microsoft and Remedy have long histories in PC game development. This decision was about matching this specific game to the right platform."

Initial,in anul 2005,jocul a fost anuntat sa apara atat pe PC cat si pe Xbox360.Un an mai tarziu Microsoft a facut chiar si o declaratie prin care spunea ca jocul ar putea fi creat doar pentru Windows Vista ,la varianta pe PC.Dupa toate astea,s-a lasat linistea,pana cand Remedy Entertainment a inteles ca lansarea jocului pe PC depinde numai si numai de Microsoft.

I-a ghiciti,Microsoft ne-a aratat din nou cat de mult tine la minunatele sale PC-uri care l-au facut celebru:ALAN WAKE VA APAREA DOAR PE XBOX 360.

Halo: Reach beta-data lansare


Halo: Reach beta-data lansare
La evenimentul Microsoft X10 din Statele Unite,Microsoft a anuntat data de lansare pentru viitoarea versiune Beta a jocului Halo:Reach.Data amintita mai sus va fi 3 Martie 2010.

Totusi,avem vesi proaste,intr-u cat doar cei care vor detine un disc original HALO:ODST vor putea incerca varianta BETA amintita mai sus.

The Halo Reach multiplayer beta will kick off on May 3. You will be able to access the beta via the Halo 3: ODST game disc.

Left 4 Dead 2 DLC in MARTIE


Left 4 Dead 2 DLC in MARTIE

Valve Software nu a putut sa lipseasca de la evenimentul celor de la Microsoft X10 din Statele Unite,intr-u cat au avut de prezentat viitorul DLC pentru jocul Left 4 Dead 2 intitulat:The Passing.

In "The Passing," players will meet up with the original Left 4 Dead's survivors, Francis, Bill, Zoey and Louis, who will appear as non-playable characters. Valve's Chet Faliszek told Kotaku that Left 4 Dead 2's survivors will rendezvous with the original quartet later on in the campaign, and that they will aid Coach, Nick, Ellis and Rochelle in finishing the third map in the campaign.

DLC-ul amintit mai sus va adauga jocului Left 4 Dead 2,un nou tip de caracter intitulat "Fallen Survivor",acesta este un infectat,care crede ca nu este purtator al virusului.Cand ii veti omora,acestia vor elibera munitie si pachete de supravietuire.

Noua campanie va fi disponibila pentru achizitionat in Martie,atat pe PC cat si pe Xbox 360,acesta fiind urmata si de o revista cu benzi desenate,plus un add-on pentru jocul original.


Then, about a "month or so" after that, Valve plans to release an add-on for the first Left 4 Dead, an episode that will tell the story of the original survivors' journey to "The Passing." That unnamed Left 4 Dead add-on will only be playable on the original game, not in the sequel.

Modern Warfare 2 DLC-IN PRIMAVARA


Modern Warfare 2 DLC-IN PRIMAVARA
Microsoft a trimis un comunicat de presa prin care a facut cunoscut continutul viitorului eveniment X10.O stire interesanta facuta de publisher a fost cea a lansarii DLC-ului pentru MODERN MARFARE 2 in primavara,prima data pe XBox 360.

Now Xbox 360 owners will be the only players in the world to fully experience the biggest blockbuster titles with exclusive Game Add-ons, including a “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” content pack arriving first on Xbox LIVE this spring.

Nici o alta informatie nu a fost facuta publica,insa cred ca nu vom astepta prae mult pana cand vom afla noi detalii,asadar, ramaneti cu Games Database.

Singularity intarzie iar


Singularity intarzie iar
Activision - Blizzard,intr-o conferinta a investitorilor,a confirmat ca jocul celor de la Raven Soft,intitulat Singularity,va fi lansat in ultima parte a anului 2010.

Activision Blizzard's financial conference call today finally got the publisher to admit that the temporal-themed first person shooter would indeed be coming out sometime in the second quarter of 2010.

Jocul a fost la inceput planificat sa se lanseze in vara anului 2009,apoi a fost amanat pana in toamna,iar acum pana la sfarasitul anului 2010,daca Activision nu va mai misca nimic la acest joc,presimt ca il vom juca la anu si la multi ani.



Revista finlandeza Gamereactor magazine,a reusit sa ii ia un interviu lui Cevat Yerli,de la echipa de productie Crytek.Interviul a reusit sa scoata la lumina o gramada de noi INFORMATII DESPRE CRYSIS 2.

- You play as Jake 'Nomad' Dunn.
- Compared to Crysis there will be more freedom, larger gameplay areas and more tactical warfare.
- Nanosuit 2 will give players more freedom in how to tackle situations in the battlefield.
- The different aspects of nanosuit 2 are designed to further encourage experimental and fit-for-your-own-style usage of nanosuit's features.
- Cevat thinks that the weakest parts of Crysis were 1) the story, which lacked originality and details 2) the on-rails gameplay style in the end and 3) that there were no console versions.
- Compared to the majority of console games, the console gamers will see Crysis 2's freedom and openness as a new and interesting gameplay style.
- The player has again the freedom of choosing what weapons to use and how to use them, or how to take advantage of the environment.
- Crysis 2 will again feature the familiar "Veni Vidi Vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered) gameplay style.
- In Crysis 2 Crytek will, of course, try to surpass the previous Crysis games in graphical splendour and technical features.
- Setting the events of Crysis 2 to New York City was a result of a long thought process; Crytek did not choose New York City because of "console limitations".
- With three previous games set in the jungle Crytek decidedly wanted to avoid making a fourth "jungle game".
- New York as the setting was chosen in the early stages of development; Crytek wanted to see Nomad in a metropol and make the area as a huge sandbox for the player.
- Compared to jungle, urban environment offers more opportunities for gameplay based on vertical differences and the player will have more freedom to choose how to progress and plan out attacks.
- Player will be able to, for example, jump between floors and buildings, and roll down along a crater wall.
- Cevat did not want to share details on Crysis 2 multiplayer... yet.
- The transition from one nanosuit ability to another will be "softened" in Crysis 2: for a short while before speed changes to power, the player will have both abilities in his possession.
- In the battle against the aliens, New York City will offer plenty of architecture that the player can destroy, protect, climb on and take advantage of.
- Fighting against the alien invasion will be "catastrophically beautiful".
- Crytek have tried to actively avoid of using dark dystopian colors and tones that have been plaguing many games these days.
- Details on the story will not be revealed until summer.

Jocul este programat sa se lanseze anul acesta.