Cumpara televizor 3D sony si primesti jocuri 3D pentru PS gratis
Desi pare un titlu de stire extrem de lung,am tinut sa fac acest anunt pe blog.
Sony Entertainment si-a updatat blogul Playstation cu anuntul cum ca oamenii care vor cumpara noul Televizor 3D Bravia produs de Sony,incepand cu luna Iunie al acestui an,vor primi jocuri 3D gratis pentru consola Play Station 3.
Timed to complement the launch of the great value HX803 series 3D TV in early June, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe will release four 3D stereoscopic PlayStation 3 game experiences through PlayStation Network. All four titles will be available as a free collection to purchasers of BRAVIA® 3D TVs.
The PlayStation 3 promotional 3D stereoscopic game experiences include something for all the family, from the explosive excitement of WipEout HD and MotorStorm Pacific Rift, to the dry humour of PAIN, through to the family friendly fun of Super Stardust HD
Vestea este buna pentru cei cu dare de mana,care isi vor permite noul Televizor 3D,tind sa cred ca aceasta manevra de marketing facuta de Sony isi va atinge scopul.
Televizor 3D si Jocuri 3D
Jocuri PlayStation 3 3D,Jocuri 3D
Jocuri 3D gratis,descarca jocuri 3D gratis
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