Hack-uri la Triburile am pus,acum este randul lui Travian sa fie hack-uit.
"Coduri" pentru Travian sunt numeroase,chiar foarte multe,mult mai multe ca la Triburile,so o sa pun cateva,nu foarte multe ca dupaia va invatati :P. Da,acum serios,cine *** mai joaca Travian :| ,asta ramane de vazut.
Sa trecem la afaceri mai serioase.
Deci ,nush ce fac codurile astea,pur si simplu nu ma intereseaza,daca sunteti pasionati de Travian o sa descoperiti singuri !!!
Travian Map Analyser
Available languages
- English
- default -=updated 2009/01/26=-
- Hungarian
-=updated 2009/01/26=-
- Italian
- by dbKiller
- Russian
- by Melhior
- Dutch
- by Foxyhearts
- French
- by mik french
- German
- by Georg Höfer -=updated 2009/01/26=-
- Brazilian
- by Exagonal -=updated 2008/07/09=-
- Portuguese
- by Exagonal -=updated 2008/07/09=-
- Romanian
- by napkin -=updated 2008/07/21=-
- Turkish
- by kancando
- Serbian
- by Aleksandar Velikic
- Swedish
- by Arbu1111
- Spanish
- by lothas
- Arabic
- by Dream1 -=updated 2008/10/07=-
- Chinese
- by knightxmu
- Indonesian
- by dimazarno

Travian: Antifarm\Troop saver - Original
The script will detect when you are under attack and send your troops away ~30 seconds before the attack hits. Then 30 seconds later it will pull them back, avoiding the attacker.
- Only works for a single village
- You should test that it works, like attack yourself and see if it does what it's supposed to do.
- YOU need to open the script and change the first few lines "xSave and ySave" to a set of coordinates that is a valid destination to "send" the troops.
- Only works for a single village
- You should test that it works, like attack yourself and see if it does what it's supposed to do.
- YOU need to open the script and change the first few lines "xSave and ySave" to a set of coordinates that is a valid destination to "send" the troops.
Do you know travian beyond???
this one is very far beyond!!!
Muito à frente... vá! :D
NOTE: YOU HAVE TO install by using the link on the "Remotely hosted version" because of the dependency files.
Some development still in progress.
Some translations still missing:
Comment on missing translations please!
PT -> Native
EN -> 100%
some missing on es, it, de, fr, nl, pl, tr, ro, cn, fi, se, cz, ru, dk, hr, bg, ae.
Don't use this script... if you are not in my ally! :D
Hi Lights: Map, Autos.
TIP: if you only have 1 village put 123 on your capital ID. After choose the capital go to preferences and change it!
This script was made and tested on Firefox 3.0 with Greasemonkey 0.8
Script version: 2.71
Script date: 29/01/2009
Travian Time Line
Script Summary: Adds a time line on the right of each page to show events that have happened or will happen soon. Also adds a few other minor functions. Like: custom sidebar; resources per minute; ally lines; add to the villages list; colored marketplace. Version: 0.22 License: GPL 3 or any later version
This script improves the information provided by Travian. For example: by adding a timeline that shows different events like completion of build tasks and the arrival of armies. It does this by modify the html of the page.This script is completely passive, so it does not click links automatically or send http requests. This means that for certain data to be collected you have to read your reports and watch your ally page and allies profiles.
This script can be combined with other scripts:- If you have the 'Travian Task Queue'-script, you can click on the timeline to automatically enter the schedule time.
- If you have the 'Travian Beyond'-script, additional villages will also get an attack and a merchant link button. (Currently you have to add these additional villages in the scripts source code.)
31 Aici aveti voie sa comentati::
tnx for the hack at travian
welcome :D
tnx tnx tnx for the hack
lov ya
Cod script la Travian pentru resurse ai ? :D
cum scot un script deja activat?
Asi dori sa folosesc Travian Village Notes pe un server HU, ungar, cu Firefox 3 si nu reusesc deloc, nu merge. Aveti idee cam ce se intampla?
un cod script pentru resurse ai. te rog daca ai pune si tu pls
cod pentru 200 aur 627319
si cum bag codul asta pentru aur. unde il bag, explicati-mi si mie va rog
cum activez scriptu please reply la cristi_por@yahoo.xom
cum pot baga codurile la travian?
nu stiu cum sa introduc coordonatele la xSAVE si ySAVE
jakylu3333@yahoo.com email-ul meu
Sunteti varza wai baietzi, jucati fara, e cel mai bine.
SALUT aceasi intrebare unde bag codul de aur????
vezi ca e diferenta mare intre hack si script
Wa fartilor ce puneti atatea intrebari daca vrety sa invatati cum sa folositi scripturi va trebuie programul scriptcreator in fine nu prea am mult timp de asta nici nu va mai dau explicatii scripturi folosesc majoritatea celor care sunt buti si nu stiu sa joaca
sa stiti sant tari hackurile !!!! ms
da chiar merita sa iti activezi scripturile
pff frate fara coduri e mai bine ;)
Pfff bha va dau un sfat jucati fara coduri ca io am jucat cu coduri am fakut intro zi 2 mil de puncte , da mau prins admini si miau dat BAN permanent ! Da ma rog faceti ce vreti
heyyy..cu aceste coduri poti sa vezi in alta alianta cn e online sau nu???
Unii dintre voi nu stiti nici macar sa cititi... Scripturile care sunt de fapt niste addonuri pentru Mozzila Firefox fac numai ceea ce scrie acolo nu fac altceva! Nu trebuie decat sa le instalati in Mozilla Firefox si gata!
cum se activeaza un cod?
sunt incepator
Mai fain fara coduri !! JUCATI CINSTIT MAA PORCILOR !!!
si cum imi dau seamna ca sau activat adika vreau sa stiu cum imi dau seama ce efect are travianul
de unde il dowladez
sunteti ratati toti ba toti spuneti sa jucam corect da si voi la randul vostru ati cautat hack pt travian doar asa ati gasit pagina asta :))
cum se introduc coduripe deca se poate
cum introduc codurile?
Aici Un player cu experienta.
nu mai e valabil scripturile erau pt versiunea trevian 3.
pt aceste scripturi era nevoie sa aveti firefox si se instalau depa ce instalai un preoram de citit scripturi ce se numea Grasemonkey.
pt versiunea T4 nu exista coduri ce nu sunt detectabile. iar daca va detecteaza loati BAN permanent.
bafta si spor la jefuit
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