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Dj SlowD-6 sau 2 cai remix(6 cai) download


Stiu ca mania 6 cai i-a cuprins pe toti romanii.Ce sa zic tiganii aia s-au facut celebrii,un numar record de vizitatori si o audienta mai mare ca cea de la OTV =))...las ca ii bine.
My friend Dj_SlowD(coleg de clasa :>) a scos o melodie,care sa mai completeze acel video de pe youtube...
Puteti sa o download-ati de aici... am vazut ca exista o gramada de cereri de download si astfel m-am decis sa o impart cu voi...
Tiganii aia is din Alba Iulia,adica dintr-o localitate invecinata,eu chiar i-am vazut in Alba Iulia odata,dar nu m-am dus sa le cer autograf =))...
Oricum, tiganii is tot tigani(fara sa jignesc pe nimeni).
Profilul de My Space al autorului este invit sa-l vizitati si sa va bucurati de ultimele melodi aparute sub marca Dj_SlowD



Stiu ca un titlu ca Spore,acum nu mai creeaza asa furori ca la inceput,ca la data de lansare,prin simplul fapt ca nu mai este de actualitate.Gresala mea,ca nu am facut un review mai devreme,pentru ca jocul l-am avut inca de la lansare.
Publicitatea de care a avut parte,stim ca EA este experta in promovarea produselor sale,a facut din acest joc un bestseller pe piata de Gameing.Toti s-au inghesuit,s-au imbrancit,au facut tot posibilul,sa puna si ei manutza pe un joc,care l-a prima vedere este pentru copii,cu animalute haioase, create dupa bunul plac,cu blanita,sau cum mai vreu tu...Dar spre surprinderea mea,oamenii mari,l-au jucat,le-a placut si chiar s-au intrecut sa isi share-uiasca creatiile pe serverul Maxis...astfel ca si ceilalti oameni din lume sa le vada creatiile.
Se pare ca oamenii sunt atrasi in general de aceste jocuri gen Real Life Simulator.Un exemplu elocvent ,care trebuie amintit este Sims.Prin expasnion-urile numeroase,cei de la EA au putut sa il tina in viata si pe placul jucatorilor atata timp...deci oamenilor chiar le place sa creeze un mod de viata,in care ei sa controleze tot si in care sa isi construiasca mod de viata pe care poate,nu l-au avut in viata lor reala.
Spore mi se pare o idee grozava,exploatata la maxim de cei de la Maxis ,care cu ajutorul EA,au creat un adevarat monstru ai industriei de jocuri.
Spore,iti permite sa creezi propria ta creatura,pe care sa o dezvolti treptat,de la nivelul de celula,pana la gradul de Mare Putere a Universului.
In primul stagiu,esti doar un organism unicelular,care are ca scop sa se hraneasca,sa creasca si sa incerce pe cat cu putinta sa scape de pradatorii,care fiind mai mari te vaneaza.Organismele celulare isi pot dezvolta unele mecanisme de protectie sau atac ca sa fie sigure ca nu ajung pe masa unei Euglene.Poti sa iti dezvolti un organ care produce electricitate,otrava,sau un cill care sa te ajute la viteza,sau poate vrei o gura mai mare cu care sa prinzi mai multe celule mici.

Asta este frumusetea la Spore,poti sa faci ce vrei tu,cum vrei tu,totul depinde de tine,singurul lucru care te limiteaza este imaginatia,care pe mine m-a cam lasat cand a fost vorba sa imi creez un personaj cu care sa cuceresc uscatul,eu l-am facut ca pe un Dinozaur T-rex,da ce mai conteaza...m-am descurcat.
Dupa ce ai acumulat destul ADN pentru a evolua,vei parasi marea si te vei putea dezvolta in continuu pe uscat.
La inceputul jocului ti-ai ales ce vrei sa fi:carnivor sau erbivor,alegerea ta iti va influenta modul de joc pe uscat.
Carnivorii vor trebui sa consume animale mai mici,iar erbivorii diferite fructe sau ierburi.
Dupa ce ai petrecut un timp solitar si dupa ce ai adunat material ADN(care se gaseste din belsug pe campurile jocului),vei putea sa iti modifici din nou personajul,poti sa ii faci sa arate cum vrei tu: poti sa ii pui 3 picioare,6 maini,sa il faci ca pe un caine,vaca,cal,dinozaur,bigfoot tot ce vrei tu.
Dupa ce ti-ai upgradat personajul,jocul te anunta ca ai ajuns la stagiul in care creierul ti-s-a dezvoltat si ca acum poti sa iti faci propriul trib,(descoperirea focului fiind cu adevarat haioasa),cu care sa vanezi sau cu care sa mergi sa interactionezi cu celelalte triburi.
Va dau un sfat...daca sunteti carnivor,aliati-va cu cei puternici si distrugeti pe cei slabi,asta este legea naturii care se potriveste deplin cu jocul.
Dupa ce continui sa evoluezi,ajungi la stadiul de Oras,astfel vei putea sa iti construiesti fabrici,teatre etc.
Acum scopul tau,v-a fi sa le aduci orasenilor bucurie,sa ii faci sa iti doreasca sa faca parte din orasul tau si sa nu-i dezamagesti,pt ca altfel vor face greve etc.
După ce treci în următoarea fază, Space Stage, poţi spune că începe practic jocul.Sincer m-am cam plictisit pana la aceasta faza.Primele patru faze le-am considerat un tutorial extins care a „pregătit terenul” pentru trecerea în spaţiu.După ce foloseşti editorul (cu care se presupune că te-ai obişnuit până în punctul de faţă) pentru a-ţi proiecta OZN-ul personal eşti trimis să explorezi sistemul stelar propriu pentru a te obişnui cu noua unealtă de expansiune universală.

Dispui de instrumente de terraformare, de arme, de hală în care poţi transporta minereuri, plante şi animale. Poţi crea colonii, poţi distruge planete din temelii sau le poţi schimba clima astfel încât să inversezi procesul prin care au fost făcute locuibile şi altele. Cea mai importantă latură este însă, pentru mine, că poţi, în sfârşit, să te joci. Se introduce o brumă de poveste, dar mai importantă decât aceasta este mărimea galaxiei în care activezi şi că libertatea de care dispui e îndreptată spre ceva constructiv sau distructiv mai de anvergură. Alte imperii aflate în aceeaşi fază îţi stau în cale – poţi să-i cumperi, poţi să te aliezi cu ei, poţi să-i distrugi, totul e lăsat la judecata şi opţiunea ta. Comparată cu strategii spaţiale de aceeaşi natură, faza spaţială reuşeşte totuşi să scoată în evidenţă sistemul de sharing şi să fie suficient de mare şi lungă încât să îţi dea senzaţia, în sfârşit, după câteva ore bune, că te joci un joc de strategie cât de cât complet.

După ce se parcurg toate fazele rămân să trag linia şi să pricep ce am făcut ultimele câteva ore.
Am pornit de la stadiul de celula,acum cateva milioane de ani si m-am dezvoltat,dezoltat si iar dezvoltat pana am ajuns o putere a universului,care practic,mi-a dat acea satisfactie de GOD (of war,sau of peace) care putine jocuri ti-o dau.
M-am sintit intr-adevar liber,o libertate pe care am mai simtit-o cu adevarat in Assasin's Creed .
Jocului SPORE i s-a adaugat Spore: Cute and Creepy Parts Pack,un expansion lansat in 18-Nov-2008,care aduce noi galaxi personaje si multe alte noutati.Urmatorul expansion v-a fi lansat anul acesta cel mai aproape in martie.
Sper ca v-a placut review-ul,sper ca v-am indemnat sa-l jucati si sper sa mai vad astefel de jocuri in viitorul apropiat.
In concluzie SPORE Rock's !!! :D

Halo Wars-xbox360 preview


Cand citesc HALO pe un preview,review,articol etc, imi amintesc de Halo: Combat Evolved,dupa parerea mea este "unul dintre cele mai reusite FPS-uri create vreodata",intrand in istorie alaturi de celebrul Duke Nukem Forever.
Aparut in anul 2001,numai pe consola Xbox,jocul a creat frenezie in randul fanilor si vanzarile record,i-au facut pe cei de la Microsoft sa porteze Halo de pe Xbox pe PC.
Asta se intampla in 2003 Data lansării: 30-Sep.Data care multora le-a schimbat viata !!!
Dupa celebrul Halo: Combat Evolved,acestuia i-au urmat 2 frati mai mari:Halo2 si Halo3.
Primul amintit,a fost facut sa ruleze doar pe VISTA,pt PC (lol ce tampenie,nici suport pentru DX10 nu avea)si al doilea se gaseste doar pentru console(XBOX).
Dupa celebra serie de shootere,Microsoft,s-a gandit sa lanseze si un joc de strategie,bazata pe lumea asa a iesit Halo Wars.
In campanie,jucatorii vor comanda armatele celor de la UNSC "Spirit Of Fire",impotriva organizatiei extraterestre "Covenant",adica"Pactul",care ameninta sa stearga rasa umana de pe fata pamantului.
Halo Wars ii vor "cufunda" pe jucatori,in perioada din-naintea primului joc HALO,lucru care va explica mult mai clar,motivele luptei dintre Om-Extraterestru.
Cu indrumarea Serinei,o persoana inteligenta si "curajoasa" (care defapt este AI-ul jocului),jucatorii vor fi indrumati catre Warthogs, Scorpions etc,fiecare trupa de elita avand propria strategie pe campul de lupta.
Daca vei avea umpic de curaj si vei explora harta,vai putea folosi imotriva dusmanilor,tehnologiile Forerunner,niste tehnologi antice si necunoscute tie!
Jocul este clar unul gen HALO,si imi aminteste parca de Ground Control 2,oricum jocul merita sa poarte numele Halo...nume pe care sigur nu il va face de ras,ci din contra il v-a promova mai departe,prin design-ul atragator si multiplayer-ul solid.
Data lansării: 27-Feb-2009,sper sa il pot juca!!! :)



Daca tot vorbim despre jocuri,de ce sa nu vorbim si despre jocurile de browser,gen Triburile,Travian si muuulte altele,care apar ca ciupercile dupa ploaie.
Isteria produsa de Triburi m-a afectat si pe mine direct.
Nu,nu va faceti idei gresite,nu ma joc...oarecum mi se pare o pierdere te vreme...varul meu Mihai se joaca, si ma omoara incet,dar sigur cu obsesia lui.
Partea proasta este ca nici nu are internet(azi isi baga) si ma bolunzeste in continuu sa il las sa isi construiasca nush ce la sat :|...
Astfel zi de zi,imi mananca cam 1 ora din viata :| (multumesc Cerului ca isi baga odata net)...
In Triburile tot se desfasoara incet,incet chiar foarte incet.Playeri vor trebui sa se tot logheze,ca sa isi faca si ei un sat cat de cat mai puternic.
Am cautat pe net niste hack-uri si am dat peste ceva care poate o sa va ajute cu obsesia voastra...
Aceste "coduri" pentru Triburile se gasesc sub forma unui java script,care o sa va ajute in diferite ocazii:)
   Triburile rezervari tabel 

Funcționează doar pe forum în cadrul jocului și dacă topicul curent se numește de forma
Rezervari Kxx
unde xx este un număr, iar K sau k este opțional și poate fi lipit sau nu de număr.
Rezervările se generează pe baza celui care face postul și apoi se caută nume de sate scrise în bb-codes. Dacă se întâlnește altceva decât nume de jucător sau nume de sat scrise cu bb-codes, interpretarea se oprește și ignoră restul postului. Asta pentru a evita interpretarea citatelor sau altor chestii.
Forma recomandată de a scrie o rezervare:
rezerv [village]123|456[/village]

Harta diplomatiei

 Daca esti jucator de triburile si ai cont pe orice Lume (testat extensiv pe 5, dar functional pe oricare, cel mai probabil si pe alte servere, nu doar cel ro), atunci instalezi scriptul asta si cand mergi la Diplomatia Tribului vei vedea ca-ti apare harta cu tribul tau, triburile dusmane, triburile aliate si cele cu PNA, precum si satele tale, toate colorate distinctiv. Cel mai interesant lucru este faptul ca poti face zoom in/out cu butoanele, si de asemenea poti misca harta stanga-dreapta, sus-jos.
am sa vad ce-o sa mai pun...

Bara premium pt triburile 

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Triburile - Interfata Premium [WL] v0.1

Interfata premium pentru Triburile [WarLords] Edition

 Pentru ca aceste ''Coduri" sa functioneze  trebuie sa folositi Mozila Firefox si sa aveti instalat add-onul Greasemonkey pe care puteti sa il luati de aici

Spor la Joc!!!



Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit - PlayStation 3 preview


De mic copil am urmarit seria Dragon Ball,cu sufletul la gura,zi de zi, 15 sau 20 de min cat era un episod,din care 5 min erau reclame...
Pe vremea aia eram obsedat de existenta unui joc pe "consola" mea Terminator 3(Consola SEGA),in care sa il pot interpreta pe San-Goku si ceilalti eroi.La vremea respectiva nu am gasit nimic care sa ma bucure putin =))...

dar acum pe consolele nextgen like PS3,Wii,Xbox, seria Dragon Ball este reprezentata foarte bine prin niste jocuri de foarte buna calitate.
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit este singurul joc Dragon Ball prezent pe PS3.Acesta promite sa revolutionalizeze seria,printr-un gameplay realist,care face parte din next-gen  GAME.
Prin adaugarea unor batali online "feroce" si efectului 3D de o calitate exceptionala,jocul promite nu numai sa revolutioneze seria DragonBall,ci si celelalte jocuri Gen Fighting .
  • 5 moduri de jucat,21 de personaje,5 arene de lupta unice.
  • descoperati puterile ascunse
  • participa la batali online chiar si in modulul co-op

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Assasin's Creed 2 şi un nou titlu pentru Ghost Recon, în acest an


Conform Edge Online, Yves Guillemot, CEO-ul Ubisoft, a confirmat că anul acesta se va lansa un sequel Assasin's Creed şi un nou joc Ghost Recon.

Guillemot a precizat că planurile de lansare pentru cele două titluri sunt pentru viitorul an fiscal, care durează din aprilie 2009 şi până în martie 2010, dar că dorinţa Ubisoft este de a distribui Assasin's Creed 2 până la finele anului calendaristic 2009.

Printre altele, pentru acelaşi an fiscal 2009 - 2010, Ubisoft vrea să mai lanseze Splinter Cell: Conviction, titluri noi Anno şi Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, precum şi trei branduri noi, printre care I Am Alive.

Detalii despre găurile negre din viitorul EVE Online: Apocrypha


Într-un post pe site-ul oficial, cei de la CCP au demonstrat încă o dată cât de bine își cunosc jucătorii EVE Online și cât de pasionați sunt ei înșiși de universul pe care l-au creat.
Astfel, pentru a preveni tendința de plictiseală în New Eden, compus acum din teritorii mult prea familiare pentru majoritatea jucătorilor, noul expansion Apocrypha va aduce găurile negre, tunele imprevizibile către alte segmente de spațiu, cunoscute sau complet virgine. Găurile negre vor fi imprevizibile atât din punctul de vedere al destinației, cât și al momentului în care își vor face apariția. În plus, întoarcerea dintr-un teritoriu neexplorat nu va fi întotdeauna ușoară, și opțiunea de a folosi o altă gaură neagră ca rută de întoarcere nu va garanta că destinația va fi un teritoriu cunoscut.
Desigur, unele găuri negre ar putea duce jucătorii în teritorii inamice, sau chiar la poarta vreunui sistem 1.0, fapt care ne oferă o idee asupra posibilităților strategice ale acestor anomalii spațiale. Teritoriile virgine nu vor putea fi însă proclamate ca spațiu suveran.
EVE Online: Apocrypha va fi lansat în martie.

Travian hack-all languages


Se pare ca jocurile online,de mult nu mai sunt asa sigure pe cat se credea la inceput.
Hack-uri la Triburile am pus,acum este randul lui Travian sa fie hack-uit.
"Coduri" pentru Travian sunt numeroase,chiar foarte multe,mult mai multe ca la Triburile,so o sa pun cateva,nu foarte multe ca dupaia va invatati :P. Da,acum serios,cine *** mai joaca Travian :| ,asta ramane de vazut.
Sa trecem la afaceri mai serioase.

Deci ,nush ce fac codurile astea,pur si simplu nu ma intereseaza,daca sunteti pasionati de Travian o sa descoperiti singuri !!!

Travian Map Analyser

Available languages
  • English - default -=updated 2009/01/26=-
  • Hungarian -=updated 2009/01/26=-
  • Italian - by dbKiller
  • Russian - by Melhior
  • Dutch - by Foxyhearts
  • French - by mik french
  • German - by Georg Höfer -=updated 2009/01/26=-
  • Brazilian - by Exagonal -=updated 2008/07/09=-
  • Portuguese - by Exagonal -=updated 2008/07/09=-
  • Romanian - by napkin -=updated 2008/07/21=-
  • Turkish - by kancando
  • Serbian - by Aleksandar Velikic
  • Swedish - by Arbu1111
  • Spanish - by lothas
  • Arabic - by Dream1 -=updated 2008/10/07=-
  • Chinese - by knightxmu
  • Indonesian - by dimazarno
Malaysian - by pendekarmustar

Travian: Antifarm\Troop saver - Original

The script will detect when you are under attack and send your troops away ~30 seconds before the attack hits. Then 30 seconds later it will pull them back, avoiding the attacker.
- Only works for a single village
- You should test that it works, like attack yourself and see if it does what it's supposed to do.
- YOU need to open the script and change the first few lines "xSave and ySave" to a set of coordinates that is a valid destination to "send" the troops.


Do you know travian beyond???
this one is very far beyond!!!
Muito à frente... vá! :D
NOTE: YOU HAVE TO install by using the link on the "Remotely hosted version" because of the dependency files.
Some development still in progress.
Some translations still missing:
Comment on missing translations please!
PT -> Native
EN -> 100%
some missing on es, it, de, fr, nl, pl, tr, ro, cn, fi, se, cz, ru, dk, hr, bg, ae.
Don't use this script... if you are not in my ally! :D
Hi Lights: Map, Autos.
TIP: if you only have 1 village put 123 on your capital ID. After choose the capital go to preferences and change it!
This script was made and tested on Firefox 3.0 with Greasemonkey 0.8
Script version: 2.71
Script date: 29/01/2009

Travian Time Line

Script Summary: Adds a time line on the right of each page to show events that have happened or will happen soon. Also adds a few other minor functions. Like: custom sidebar; resources per minute; ally lines; add to the villages list; colored marketplace. Version: 0.22 License: GPL 3 or any later version


This script improves the information provided by Travian. For example: by adding a timeline that shows different events like completion of build tasks and the arrival of armies. It does this by modify the html of the page.This script is completely passive, so it does not click links automatically or send http requests. This means that for certain data to be collected you have to read your reports and watch your ally page and allies profiles.

This script can be combined with other scripts:
- If you have the 'Travian Task Queue'-script, you can click on the timeline to automatically enter the schedule time.
- If you have the 'Travian Beyond'-script, additional villages will also get an attack and a merchant link button. (Currently you have to add these additional villages in the scripts source code.)

Travian: Attack builder SC

Travian Village Notes

Script Summary: Add a short note or reminder next to each of your villages.Extremely useful if you have many villages. Especially if you have a bad memory. If you wanted, you could now name all your villages the same, and not go completely crazy.


Gata.cred ca va sunt de ajuns!!!Mai sunt mult mai multe,poate o sa le pun mai tarziu....

Pentru ca aceste ''Coduri" sa functioneze trebuie sa folositi Mozila Firefox si sa aveti instalat add-onul Greasemonkey pe care puteti sa il luati de aici


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Crysis Warhead Patch 1 download



General Fixes/tweaks
Windows Vista: Mouse cursor should no longer have an offset in the menu.
Windows Vista: Unrequested launches in windowed mode should occur less often now.
Timedemo can now be started from the command line.
Better dynamic texture support for enthusiast mode.

New Features
Added 64-bit executables for Windows XP x64 and Windows Vista 64-bit version. In Windows XP x64 a new shortcut will be placed under the Crysis Warhead program group. In Windows Vista right-click the Crysis Warhead icon in Game Explorer and choose to run the game in 64-bit mode.

Known Issues
Games saved in 32-bit won't work properly when running the 64-bit version and vice-versa.
Note: After applying the patch the version displayed (lower right corner of menu) is

$699 Crysis Warhead PC Specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 2.66 GHz 3M CPU
NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT 512MB GPU
G31 mATX Motherboard
250GB 7200RPM 3G SATAII Hard Drive
Integrated 10/100/1000 Network Adapter
Integrated Realtek High-Def Audio
Keyboard & Mouse Included
Ultra X-Blaster ATX Mid-Tower Black Case
1 Year Parts & Labor Warranty
System Requirements :

Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz (3.2 GHz for Vista)
Intel Core 2.0 GHz (2.2 GHz for Vista)
AMD Athlon 2800+ (3200+ for Vista)
1 Gb (1.5 Gb on Vista)
Graphics Card:
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (Radeon X800 Pro for Vista)
VRAM: 256MB of Graphics Memory
Storage: 15GB
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible
OS: Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or Microsoft Vista
DirectX: DX9.0c or DX10

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De la luptele pentru droguri din America de Sud,pana la luptele oamenilor din viitor,Cenega(firma distribuiorare) plonjeaza acum direct in primul conflict militar de anvergura (WW1),cu cel mai nou titlu al lor...NecroVisioN.
In acest joc,se vor intampla mult mai multe lucruri decat va imaginati.
Exista mai mult rau decat va imaginati,pe campurile de batalie...
Eliberat in lume de conflictul mondial,RAUL incearca sa puna stapanire pe lume,care slabita de razboiul oamenilor,abia mai poate face fata monstrilor...Raul trebuie oprit....
Acum singura cale de aparare impotriva fortelor raului sunt...surprinzator..vampirii....!
Dar ei pierd teren in fata monstrilor cu puteri supra trebuiesc ajutati sa un tanar American,care ajunge personajul principal,al jocului.
NecroVisioN este primul First Person Shooter care se desfasoara in diferite campuri de batalie alea WW1,si care implica lumea intunecata,brutala,infricosatoare,a vampirilor si a demonilor.
Scenariul de deruleaza,de la realitatea campului de lupta,pana la cea de mitologie,Scince Fiction-ului chiar...oponentii sunt niste fiinte  fanteziste-imbracate in haine vechi,de razboi,care cu siguranta o sa va dea fiori...Jocul incearca sa creeze o lume horror,originala,nemai vazuta pana acum in lumea shooter-elor,pe care cred ca chiar au reusit sa o reproduca...
Jocul imi aminteste pe PainKiller care,chiar imi starneste amintiri placute,desi nu sunt fanul shootere-lor horror...
Jocul este pe placul meu...pana la lansarea din 20-Feb-2009     CU SIGURANTA O SA_L ASTEPT!!!SI O SA REVIN CU UN REVIEW !!!

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Tu singur ai capacitatea de a pilota cele mai avansate elicoptere din ziua de azi. Tu singur ai abilitatea de a le ghida focul spre ţintă. Tu singur eşti speranţa naţiunii. Nu va fi uşor - peisaje variate, întunericul nopţii, şi apărări puternice se întind în faţa ta. Dar dovedeşte că poţi şi vei fi răsplătit cu noi şi puternice elicoptere şi arme noi, distrugătoare. O experienţă intensă, plină de acţiune, AirStrike 3D te va lăsa fie cerând îndurare, fie cerând mai mult.

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Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War 2 preview


Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War 2 este situat intr-o lume intunecata,futurista, plina de since fiction,unde oamenii,cu tehnologii avansate se lupta pentru putere,impotriva masinilor si a extraterestrilor.
Dezvoltat de foarte cunoscuta echipa de programatori Relic Entertainment,Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War 2 promite sa revolutioneze jocurile de strategie,trimitand genul RST pana la un alt nivel.
Printre noutăţie ce vor fi introduse se numără campanii cooperative pentru facţiunile Space Marines şi Orks (singurele dezvăluite până acum de către producători), un AI mult mai avansat, upgrade-uri ce vor obţinute la sfârşitul fiecărei misiuni, cât şi o importanţă mai mare acordată detaşamentelor. Însă în ciuda folosirii unui nou engine, nu vor fi prezente unităţi navale sau aeriene.
Lansare 19-Feb-2009

Cerinte de sistem

Minimum Requirements

* Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista SP1
* P4 3.2 GHz (single core) or any Dual Core processor
* 1 GB RAM (XP), 1.5 GB RAM (Vista)
* A 128MB Video Card (Shader Model 3) - Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT / ATI X1600, or equivalent
* 5.5 GB of Hard Drive space


* Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista SP1
* AMD Athlon 64×2 4400+ or any Intel Core 2 Duo
* 2 GB RAM (XP and Vista)
* A 256MB Video Card (Shader Model 3) - Nvidia GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900, or equivalent
* 5.5 GB of Hard Drive space

Alpha Protocol-preview


Loialitatea are un pret,nimeni nu stie mai bine ca si agentul Michael Thorton.Un agent,tanar si ralentat izgonot de catre Guvernul pentru care lucra.Thorton este singurul care detine informatiile necesare pentru a opri imediat un dezastru international.Pentru ca sa faca acest lucru el este nevoit sa ii tradeze pe cei carora le-a jurat credinta.
Ca jucator tu,trebuie sa faci diferite misiuni si sa iei decizii care vor afecta cursul de desfasurare a jocului,sfarsitul fiecarei misiuni,iti va modela personajul,in functie de felul in care ai jucat aceea misiune.
Orice decizie pe care jucatorul o v-a lua Michael Thorton,va fi cel care va trage raspunderea fata de astfel in mod lumea :)

Terminator Salvation - The Videogame preview


Jocuri dupa filme se fac en-gros,dar ma intreb cand se vor face si filme dupa jocuri,nu ca nu s-au facut pana acum,de exemplu filmul Hitman s-a bucurat de mare succes,la fel ca si seria de jocuri dupa care a fost creat.
Anul acesta se pare ca este anul meu...Filme ca Prince Of Persia,World Of Warcraft(da ati citit bine-WOW), HALO vor lumina ecranele LCD urilor noastre si vor bucura atat pe impatimitii jocurilor,cat si pe cei ai abia astept :X.
Deci,Terminator Salvation - The Videogame poarta numele celebrului film Terminator Salvation ,care asteapta sa fie lansat anul acesta.
Jocul ofera posibilitatea player-ilor sa intre in pielea lui John Connor,un luptator al rezistentei Oamenilor,impotriva masinilor net superioare ale celor de la Skynet.
Terminator Salvation - The Videogame este un RPG care se va concentra pe luptele armate, interactive impotriva dusmanilor de la Skynet,din celebrul film.Jocul v-a aduce noi personaje create special pentru joc,care au ca rol sa fluidizele si sa creeze o atmosfera asemeanea Armaghedonu-lui.

Jocul arata suuuuuper,clar o sa il joc!!!
Data lansării: 22-May-2009

Trainer GTA 4 all versions


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The Sims 2 Hints & Cheats


Sims 2 Cheat Codes

Misc. Codes

Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter the following:
Cheat Effect
exit closes cheat window
expand expands or contracts cheat window
kaching get 1000 cash
help -all list cheats
autopatch (on/off) lets you know if theres a patch
moveobjects (on/off) moves objects and deletes you couldnt before
vsync (on/off) increases game performance but lowers graphics
StretchSkeleton makes your sims larger or smaller
aging off turn off aging
aging on turn on aging
motherlode 50,000 simoleans
faceBlendLimits (on/off) turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures.
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false You can place objects outside the grid.
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8 You can invite more people to your parties.
boolprop constrainFloorElevation false Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles.
boolprop constrainFloorElevation true Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles.
clear Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect.
slowmotion Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest)
boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False) Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False) Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood.
boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False) Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False) Set to false to remove water from neighborhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False) Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False) Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False) Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood
boolprop lotWater (True/False) Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots
boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False) Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot
boolprop carsCompact (True/False) Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood
boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False) Set to true to show lot information
boolprop objectShadows (True/False) Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside house
boolProp guob (True/False) Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house
boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False) Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim
boolProp displayPaths (True/False) Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to
boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False) Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at
boolProp simShadows (True/False) Toggle shadows on/off for Sims
boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False) In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted
boolprop locktiles (True/False) Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot
boolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False) Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used
social_debug You can tell what social reaction will happen before you do it
RoofSlopeAngle (15-75) Changes the slope angle of a roof
boolProp testingcheatsenabled true/false if set to true ALL other cheats work.
familyfunds (Family's last name) XXXX Alots any amount of money you desire to any sim family (remove parenthesis in the family's last name and replace the XXXX's with any amount you want)
unlockcareerrewards unlocks career rewards.

Neighborhood Only Cheats

Bring up cheat window by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C
Cheat Effect
deleteAllCharacters At neighborhood view only, removes every Sim from the neighborhood.
TerrainType (desert/temperate) Only for use in neighborhood view, toggles between the two terrain types.

More Codes

Press Ctrl + Shift + C to access the console.
Some cheats require you enter the Postprocessing cheat.
Cheat Effect
slowMotion # Make you set the game speed. (# = 0 to 8, 0 is normal)
boolProp enablePostProcessing true Turns Postprocessing on.
boolProp enablePostProcessing false Turns Postprocessing off.
bloom rgb # Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)
vignette # # # Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)
filmGrain # Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on)
letterBox # Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) (require postprocessing on)

Other Parameters

Add these to the shortcut's parameters for other helpful things. Some have code counterparts.

Cheat Effect
-w Windowed Mode
-r[width]x[height] Start with desired resolution (in pixels).
-f Fullscreen Mode
-nosound Disables sound

Debug Mode

Open the cheat menu by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C, then entering the following:
boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true
While in Create-a-Sim, press Shift + N before creating your first sim to enable skintones, clothes, and hairstles that would normally be used only by NPCs. Press Shift + M to disable it.
While in Live mode, Shift + Click on a sim to bring up the debug menu.

Sims 2 Secrets

  • Custom Painting

    To decorate your house with custom artwork, first your sim must have a creativity level of 5 and be able to paint a still life.
    Have your sim paint and a frame will appear that you can center on whatever you want to paint. If you want to paint a picture of something outside the Sims 2 game, just press C anywhere at this time. This will pause the game.
    Use Alt + Tab to exit the game, then open a picture program such as Paint and open the snapshot you just took, it will usually be in the folder: C:\My Documents\EA\Sims2\Storytelling\Snapshot.bmp
    Then, you also have to open the picture you want to have in your game. If your picture is too large resize it so it will fit in the original snapshot from the game.
    Copy your custom picture on to your snapshot from the game, then save the picture. Use Alt + Tab to get back to your game and your sim will start painting your own custom picture.
    Using this trick you can put pictures of your friends or family, web pictures, or anything else in your Sims 2 game.

  • Listen To Mp3's On Sim Radio

    First get whatever Mp3's you want to put on the game, then open up MyDocuments/EAGames/TheSims2/Music/(whatever RadioStation you want your song on). Then, Drag your MP3 into the folder. Now, start Sims 2 then go to options menu, then music settings, then the Radio Station, then pick witch songs you want the radio to play. You can now listen to your favorite songs in your Sims game.

  • Use your own videos for the TV

    It's possible to watch your own videos on the Sim-TV. You must put the video you want into My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Movies\Broadcast (the TV sender you want). If you then turn on the TV in the game you can watch it! The video must be .avi-clips and the clips shouldn't be larger then 128x128 pixel also it shouldn't have more then 15 frames per second.

  • Listen to music included with game

    First, open your The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Sound directory. The names of radio stations, plus a few more including Build mode and Neighborhood music should be here in *.package files. Copy and paste the file corresponding to whatever you want to listen to into another folder. Rename it from [File].package to [File].mp3. You can now listen to the sound/songs included in the file.

  • For Poor Families

    The trick is that no matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it in the same day, you can get all your money back. So if your Sim is poor and needs body points or something, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to refund all your money.

  • Saving Pizza

    Have a sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery guy comes DON'T accept the pizza! The pizza delivery guy will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and the pizza will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas as you want, so if your sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.

    Sims 2 Glitches

    • Disgusting Faces

      There is a glitch in character creation mode where you can make absolutely disgusting faces. The trick is that if you go to the face designing area and you select a face part such as the eyes and max out all the sliders one way or the other, then go to a different face part and select one of the PREDESIGNED parts, and then come back to the eyes, the sliders will have reset in the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. Exploiting this, you can make eyes the size of dinner plates, cheekbones 4 feet long, and a HUMUNGOUS nose, to name a few.

    • free bookcase skills

      Buy a bookcase, then have your sim start to study. Interrupt the action so that the book it placed on the ground, then simply sell the bookcase. The book can then do everything the bookcase could have done for free.

Left 4 Dead Hints & Cheats


Left 4 Dead Cheat Codes

Developers Console Cheats

At the main menu, select "Options," then "Keyboard/Mouse." Enable "Allow Developers Console." During gameplay, press "~" to access the console. Type in "Sv_Cheats 1" and press "Enter" to enable the cheats. Then, enter any one of the following:
Cheat Effect
sv_infinite_ammo 1 Unlimited Ammunition
give pistol Get Pistol
god Invincibility
noclip Toggles No Clipping Mode
give ammo Full Ammunition
z_spawn weapon_SMG Gives you the SMG.
z_spawn mob spawns a zombie horde
z_spawn spawns a special infected (infected names:hunter,boomer,smoker,witch,tank)
give hunting_rifle gives hunting rifle
z_spawn tank Spawns tank at location of crosshair
z_spawn smoker Spawns smoker at location of crosshair
z_spawn hunter Spawns hunter at location of crosshair
z_spawn boomer Spawns boomer at location of crosshair
give health gives full health
give autoshotgun Gives auto shotgun
give pain_pills Gives pain pills
firstperson Play in first person (default); this cheat is only necessary if thirdperson mode is enabled
give rifle Gives you an Mk 47 (machine gun)
thirdperson Sets the camera to be in third person mode.
thirdperson_mayamode Sets the camera to be fixed in place while in either third person or third person shoulder mode. Enter once to turn on and enter again to turn off.
z_health Change Zombie Health
z_common_limit Sets the maximum amount of regular zombies
director_panic_forever 0/1 Enables/Disables never ending panics.
director_force_panic Forces a panic event
z_speed Change Zombie Speed
z_spawn zombie Spawns 1 Zombie
give pipe_bomb gives pipebomb
give propanetank gives propanetank
give oxygentank gives oxygen tank
give molotov gives molotov
give gascan gives gascan
give first_aid_kit gives you first aid kit
fire Spawns a lighted molotov right on the floor under you.
boom Spawns a active pipebomb under you.
z_frustration_lifetime <#> Sets the number of seconds until the player loses control of the Tank from not attacking survivors
sb_friendlyfire <1/0> Sets whether or not bots (and only bots) are allowed to do firendly fire damage
thirdpersonshoulder Sets the camera to over-the-shoulder third person mode
tongue_range <#> (Default 750) Sets the maximum range of the smoker's tongue attack
director_stop Shuts off all wanderers, mobs, specials, and bosses
director_no_mobs <1/0> No mob rushes
z_tank_health <#> Sets the maximum health of the Tank
z_witch_allow_change_victim <1/0> True/False setting that allows the witch to change targets instead or focus on the one survivor that alerted her first
z_witch_burn_time Amount of time before a burning Witch dies from fire (does not affect damage caused by fire)
z_witch_damage <#> Sets the amount of damage a Witch's attack does.
director_no_human_zombies 0/1 Disables/enables controllable Boss Infected on any map
retry You can unlock achievements while using cheats (after entering sv_cheats 1, enter retry so that it will restart the game with the cheats on)

Fallout 3 Hints & Cheats


Fallout 3 Cheat Codes

Console Codes

Hit the Tilde (~) key to access the console and enter one of the following codes.
Cheat Effect
SetEssential 1 Sets the NPC as essential.
addspecialpoints # add # special points
setspecialpoints # set the number of special points to #
GetQuestCompleted complete current quest
getXPfornextlevel displays xp needed for next level
rewardKarma # reward # karma points to player
movetoqt Moves the player to the current quest marker
advlevel Advance one level
SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1 Allows player to wear Brotherhood of Steel armor without the training prerequisite.
tgm God Mode
tcl No clipping mode
tmm 1 All mapmarkers
coc megatoncommonhouse Warp Back
coc testqaitems Warp to Room with All Items
exit vats roll credits/end gameplay
rewardxp xxx Replace xxx with the number of experience points to receive
modpca (s.p.e.c.i.a.l) # changes the chosen stat by adding the given number. e.g. lmodpca luck 3 would take your 5 luck to 8.
player.setlevel # changes leve to #, doesn't affect anything else.
setscale # Changes size of any targeted object/NPC. Replace # with a number between -10 and 10. Default size is 1.
player.setav unarmeddamage ## Set the unarmed damage inflicted by your character. (Other variables will affect your final damage output.) (Insert desired damage in place of ##)
player.setav fireresist ## Set the percentage of fire damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
player.setav meleedamage ## Set the melee damage inflicted by your character. (Note, other variables will affect your final damage output.) (Insert desired damage in place of ##)
player.setav poisonresist ## Set the percentage of poison damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
player.setav radresist ## Set the percentage of radiation absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
player.setav critchance ## Set the percent chance to score a critical hit when inflicting damage. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
player.setav damageresist ## Set the percentage of physical (Gunshot or melee) damage absorbed by your player. (Note, input desired percentage in place of ## [0-100])
player.setav # Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.
player.setav # Sets the typed attribute to the number provided. (1-10)
player.additem 0000000F "XXX" Replace "XXX" with the amount of caps(money) you want.
tm turns off/on the HUD (useful for character screenshots)
tfc toggles free camera mode (useful for character screenshots)
unlock Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.
Kill Automatically kill the target you selected in Console Mode
showracemenu open the character creation screen
cam Closes all open menus
GetAVInfo [Actor Value] Gets info on the selected targers value (such as getavinfo luck)
SetBarterGold [amount] Sets how much an NPC has to trade with
coc [Cell ID] Center on cell. Teleports you to the cell you specify.
disableallmines Disables all mines allowing you to pick them up, without them blowing up.
pcb Purge cell buffer, which frees up memory if you have lots of cells loaded, increasing performance.
tsb [number] Allows you to add blood to your screen. Higher numbers make more blood spots. 0 = none.
setactorfullname "Firstname Lastname" (Use the quotes if the name has spaces) Sets the name of the selected NPC. Use "player.setactorfull name" to change your character's name. Last name (and any further spaces) optional.
PRID [name] Selects an object. Useful for selecting yourself in first person view (use 'PRID player").
tai Toggles AI processing on/off. Freezes the AI
QQQ Quits the game fast with no promps
save [name] Saves your game with a custom save name.
load [name] Loads a saved game.
tcai Toggles ONLY combat AI on/off. AI will still be active, but enemies will not attack.
fov [1-180] Allows you to change your field of view (by angle)
player.modav skill # Modifies player's desired skill. (player.modav luck 10)
player.modav carryweight # Permanently modifies players max weight.
player.modav actionpoints # Permanently modifies players max action points.
player.modScale <1 or -1> Become a giant! 1 = giant ; -1 =normal
CloseAllMenus Just in case...
MoveToQuestTarget/movetoqt Warp to your quest' target location
player.PlaceAtMe I'm working on finding and making an ObjectID list, but for now, just use the ones we know: 000000A(Pins) & 000000F(money)
ShowNameMenu Change your name for free, no court fees!
player.ForceAV Directly set your skill values.
EnablePlayerControls Move around during "locked" cinematics
ResetQuest Resets a quest... assuming you would want to do such a thing?
CompleteAllObjectives / CompleteQuest Complete quest objectives
SetPCYoung Everyone wants to be a kid again!
SexChange Go ahead, be a transvestite, i won't ask any questions
DisableAllMines Disables mines
GetQuestComplete/GetQC Complete all quest items
resurrect revives dead target
set timescale to # Alters the speed in which the in-game time passes.
TT Toggle on/off trees.
TG Toggle on/off grass.
Killall Kills everyone in the area, if you are outside it kills everything outside.
setgs fMoveRunMult # Changes run speed. Replace the # with the desired speed. (default = 4)
setgs fJumpHeightMin # Changes how high your player will jump. Replace the # with the desired height. (default = 64)
setgs iMaxCharacterLevel ### Sets the maximum level that your character can reach through experience gain. Replace the ### with the desired maximum level.
tcai Disables enemy AI, enemies stand still and do not fire back.
save fred 1 Opens a text file with all objects (items, npcs, props) and their corresponding ID Form codes (unique for every savegame)
setessential 6a772 1 Dogmeat is marked Essential (Unkillable)
activate Activates the last door you clicked on in the console that is locked but needed to be opened from another place. (doors that unlock doesn't work on)
player.removeitem "XXX" Removes "XXX" number of items from your inventory of type. Useful for removing quest flagged items
Removeallitems Remove all the Weapons and Cloths from Selected NPC (inc kids!)
UnEquipItem if the item_id exists in the selected target's inventory, it will be unequipped
EquipItem if the item_id exists in the selected target's inventory, it will be equipped
showinventory shows all items and their id's, of the selected target, in the console (click an object while in the console to select it)
SetPos X set selected targets x coordinate (you can also use Y and Z with this function; click an object while in the console to select it)
GetPos X view selected targets x coordinate (you can also use Y and Z with this function; click an object while in the console to select it)
TWF toggle wirefram mode on/off
agerace # Ages the targetted character with 1, and de-ages them with -1
player.agerace # Ages yourself with 1, and de-ages you with -1
Player.MatchFaceGeometry # Matches the geometry of another NPCs face
player.moveto # Moves you to the specified NPC.
Setownership Gives player ownership of selected item
Resethealth Select player, or NPC and acts as a full heal
player.placeatme Allows you to spawn any NPC next to you.
player.modav health # Permanently modifies players max hp
tmg View some polygons and boxes of collisions.

Fallout 3 Unlockables


Achievements are unlocked by accomplishing the listed task and will give you the listed number of gamer points. If you have an X-Box 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the gamerpoints/achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version / any other X-Box 360 game.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Vault 101 Citizenship Award (10GP) Got the Pip-Boy 3000
The G.O.A.T. Whisperer (10GP) Took the G.O.A.T.
Escape! (20GP) Completed "Escape!"
Following in His Footsteps (20GP) Completed "Following in His Footsteps"
Galaxy News Radio (20GP) Completed "Galaxy News Radio"
Scientific Pursuits (20GP) Completed "Scientific Pursuits"
Tranquility Lane (20GP) Completed "Tranquility Lane"
The Waters of Life (20GP) Completed "The Waters of Life"
Picking up the Trail (20GP) Completed "Picking up the Trail"
Rescue from Paradise (20GP) Completed "Rescue from Paradise"
Finding the Garden of Eden (20GP) Completed "Finding the Garden of Eden"
The American Dream (20GP) Completed "The American Dream"
Take it Back! (40GB) Completed "Take it Back!"
Big Trouble in Big Town (20GP) Completed "Big Trouble in Big Town"
The Superhuman Gambit (20GP) Completed "The Superhuman Gambit"
The Wasteland Survival Guide (20GP) Completed "The Wasteland Survival Guide"
Those! (20GP) Completed "Those!"
The Nuka-Cola Challenge (20GP) Completed "The Nuka-Cola Challenge"
Head of State (20GP) Completed "Head of State"
The Replicated Man (20GP) Completed "The Replicated Man"
Blood Ties (20GP) Completed "Blood Ties"
Oasis (20GP) Completed "Oasis"
The Power of the Atom (20GP) Completed "The Power of the Atom"
Tenpenny Tower (20GP) Completed "Tenpenny Tower"
Strictly Business (20GP) Completed "Strictly Business"
You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head (20GP) Completed "You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head"
Stealing Independence (20GP) Completed "Stealing Independence"
Trouble on the Homefront (20GP) Completed "Trouble on the Homefront"
Agatha's Song (20GP) Completed "Agatha's Song"
Reilly's Rangers (20GP) Completed "Reilly's Rangers"
Reaver (10GP) Reached Level 8 with Bad Karma
Mercenary (10GP) Reached Level 8 with Neutral Karma
Protector (10GP) Reached Level 8 with Good Karma
Harbinger of War (20GP) Reached Level 14 with Bad Karma
Pinnacle of Survival (20GP) Reached Level 14 with Neutral Karma
Ambassador of Peace (20GP) Reached Level 14 with Good Karma
Scourge of Humanity (30GP) Reached Level 20 with Bad Karma
Paradigm of Humanity (30GP) Reached Level 20 with Neutral Karma
Last, Best Hope of Humanity (30GP) Reached Level 20 with Good Karma
Weaponsmith (30GP) Made one of every custom weapon
Doesn't Play Well with Others (20GP) Killed 300 people
Slayer of Beasts (20GP) Killed 300 creatures
Silver-Tongued Devil (20GP) Won 50 Speech Challenges
Data Miner (20GP) Hacked 50 terminals
Keys are for Cowards (20GP) Picked 50 locks
One-Man Scouting Party (20GP) Discovered 100 locations
Pychotic Prankster (10GP) Placed a grenade or mine while pickpocketing
The Bigger They Are... (20GP) Kill all the Super Mutant Behemoths
Yes, I Play with Dolls (10GP) Collected 10 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads
Vault-Tec C.E.O. (30GP) Collected 20 Vault-Tec Bobbleheads