There are two trainers available for this game (not talking about the lame promotional trainers) – one for version 1.0 and the other for 1.1. v1.1 is a PLUS 10 trainer while v1.0 is a PLUS9 trainer.They work in both DX9 and DX10 modes of H.A.W.X.
[Click Here] to download H.A.W.X v1.0 Trainer from MegaShare
[Click Here] to download H.A.W.X v1.1 Trainer from MegaShareDownload
[Click Here] to download H.A.W.X v1.0 Trainer from MegaShare
No-Intro Fix
Tired of seeing the same intro movies every time you start the game or having crashes at intro movie screen? Try using the no-intro fix by BreizhDieub.
[Click Here] to download H.A.W.X No-Intro fix from MegaShare
3 Aici aveti voie sa comentati::
am si io o intrebare eu am H.A.W.X 1.02 cum fac sa dezinstalez 1.02 asa in fel incat sa revin la 1.01?
astept raspuns
patch-urile nu se pot dezinstala,deci nu se poate reveni la o versiune anterioara
-doar daca instalezi jocul din nou
Please !Cine poate ajuta un incepator ca mine cu un raspuns primeste respectul meu vesnic ! Cum sau de unde pot downloada patch-urile 1.61-1.64 pt Painkiller Black Edition ?
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