Lui HAWX i se face reclama de vreo 3 ani si practic,aceasta metoda de marcheting da razultat,stim ca reclama este sufletul comertului si mai stim ca Ubisoft exploateaza la maxim orice sursa de publicitate.
Daca acum 3 ani eram nevoiti doar sa visam la aparitia unui asemeanea simulator ca HAWX,anul acesta pe 13 mai,"minunea" v-a avea loc : lansarea mult asteptatului Tom Clancy's HAWX.
Dezvoltat de studioul Ubisoft de la Bucuresti Tom Clancy's HAWX ofera o atmosfera intensa si autentica,prin experienta traita in timpul bataliilor aeriene.
Povestea incepe in anul 2012.Deoarece era statului-natiune este pe punctul de a se incheia,regulile de razboi evolueaza foarte rapid.Tot mai multe natiuni devin dependente de companiile private de armament(PMCs),mercenari de elita,etc care nu au respect fata de lege.
Conform acordului Reykjavi,acestia(mercenarii si PMC) au dreptul sa activeze in intreaga lume in caz ca sunt solicitati sa participe la situatii de conflict,in timp ce veniturile acestora cresc considerabil,pana in momentul in care ajung sa aiba o putere foarte mare.
Tom Clancy's HAWX este primul joc air combat ,care are loc intr-o lume care seamana exact ca lumea reala,producatorii au afirmat ca daca stai in zona in care se desfasoara luptele aeriene,este posibil sa iti vezi casa din avion,deoarece hartile sunt 100% autentice cu zonele si arealele geografice reale.
Se pare ca cei 3 ani de pregatire sunt motivati.
Tehnologiile de ultima ora+arme de foc diversificate,puternice si noi= franciza Tom Clancy.
In curand zborul cu un aparat de lupta gen Mach 3 nu va mai reprezenta un privilegiu,ci un DREPT.
• ENHANCED REALITY SYSTEM (E.R.S.) - E.R.S. is in-game technology that helps turn novice aviators into elite pilots of the future. The Enhanced Reality System is the backbone of the HAWX flight experience: radars and incoming missile detection, anti-crash system, damage control system, tactical map and information relay, and weapons trajectory control. E.R.S. also allows players to issue orders to their squadron, making this system as iconic to HAWX as the Cross-Com system is to Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter!
• ASSISTANCE MODE – Players can ease into their flight missions and gain a level of comfort with the use of the assistance mode. Once employed, players can take full advantage of their technological support through the E.R.S and gain maximum piloting security. If the situation calls for the player to unleash the full potential of the aircraft, the assistance mode can be switched off and all safety features will be deactivated. This comes with increased risks, but allows the player advanced dogfighting maneuvers and stunning third-person views.
• REVOLUTIONARY MULTIPLAYER - For the first time ever in the air-combat genre, players will be able to experience the entire solo campaign in four-player JUMP IN co-op mode. In PVP mode, players can challenge up to 15 friends in intense dogfighting sessions and find out who's the top gun. Winning players are rewarded with experience points and money to unlock more weapons.
• REALISM AND AUTHENTICITY – Players have the opportunity to take the throttle of over 50 of the world’s famous aircrafts, as well as being able to dogfight over realistic modern landscapes that have endured years of post-war trauma.
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